Monday, October 5, 2015


I have been having a busy time of late = no blog posts. Hoping to make amends this week and to catch you up with what is going on.
A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending a Joen Wolfram workshop, on the Gold Coast. It was a huge thrill to meet Joen as her design books were the first ones I had bought in the early 1990's to teach myself about elements and principles and colour.
It was a one day landscape class and we ended up with 2 A4 size studies. Joen supplied the templates for the designs.
A desert landscape
A storm descending. I worked with the commercial fabrics I had brought along and that was a good exercise also.
Here are pieces from other students pinned to the display panels. Each piece was discussed with the whole class and this lead to interesting insights particularly about water scenes.


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