Thursday, January 26, 2012

Indian wedding

We are safely home now, arriving late last night via Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It has been the most amazing, wonderful trip for both Bob and I. We have mountains of photos between us to sort through, but I'll continue to share many of the amazing places and people we visited.
Thanks to Rhonda Preece and Anukram, we could sit back and absorb and enjoy Indian culture, history, food and very special interactions with crafts people, a textile collector and the everyday person/children in the streets and villages we visited. I can highly recommend a Textile Traditions Tour!

We were invited to the night festivities of Day 1 of an Indian wedding, in Kota where we were staying. Indian weddings continue for 4 days, with different events each day. Unfortunately we were travelling on and couldn't come back for more of the amazing celebration and great food.
The friends of the bride danced in groups or alone to traditional songs and music played by a small group of 4 musicians. The lovely old brick arches of regal Sudkham Kothi, now partly used as a guest house, was the setting for the celebration.
The bride's hands to the elbow and feet to the calf, were heavily decorated with intricate henna designs. She was taking care not brush off the freshly applied henna and was not wearing an elaborate sari or shirt and top like other guests.
Bride on the L.
I didn't buy many wood blocks as they are heavy and my suitcase was packed with fabric, Judy.

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