Helen the Oxfam shops in Australia were called Community Aid Abroad before & stock ethnic arts & crafts & fair trade food items, so not at all a second hand goods shop.
Since coming back from the States at the end of May I have been in a reorganisation phase! In the past we moved house every 3-4 years & this was a good thing because it got rid of the clutter & various accumulations. However we have been happily ensconced in our present location for many years & everything in my studio was just getting "messy" & that was causing stress with my many deadlines. I will share the before & after photos later.
I happened to pick up the magazine Cloth Paper Scissors- Studios, a spa for the creative soul at a Queensland Quilters meeting. This is the first of the studio editions published in 2008. Some of the studio spaces make me feel very envious but it also brings into perspective that what ever space you have, big or small, is yours to do with as you see fit. And mess is a natural consequence of creativity. I think it's just the cleaning up I have to organise myself into!
4 days ago
I just bought the latest this week - it is full of interesting ideas and I love to see how artists work...our Helen Godden is in the issued I picked up!!!