Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This is the sight that greeted us on our second morning at Bryce! A Narnia world of snow & fluttering snowflakes had silently appeared overnight. How magical for 2 Queenslanders.
It was very special seeing the hoodoos wearing a snow frosting. I was wearing my long-johns, several layers including a down jacket & waterproof wind jacket, but my wool gloves were not enough to keep the cold out for very long.
Before we could drive off, Bob had to remove the snow. His credit card got an extra workout!


  1. What a treat! I bet you don't see much snow in Brisbane!

  2. It's warm here - hope you can keep warm too - snow changes the look of the place soooo much. As you said, for Qlders - magical - for those who live with it year in & year out - not so magical when they have to deal with the slush.
